Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Map Projections of South America

The main purpose of this map was to learn how much different map projections can change the appearance of a map.  It is difficult to take a spherical object, such as the earth, and project it onto a flat surface, such as a map.  In order to do this many map projections were created and this exercise aided me in being introduced to them.

I went into ArcGIS and began with a view of South America.  I took this image and projected it to several of the major projections in use today (Albers Equal Area and Equidistant Conic are two examples).  After each projection I would export the projection into AdobeIllustrator.  After I had all of the projection in AdobeIllustrator I arranged them on top of one another.  After that it was just a matter of making sure each different projection could be clearly seen and was labeled in the legend.  I've also provided a brief description of projections alongside the images of the continent.

This exercise taught me how different projections are skewed in certain ways, and the best projections to use in order to minimize certain errors.  I also learned how to bring maps into AdobeIllustrator from ArcGIS.

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