I was tasked with creating a choropleth map of the United States in ArcMap with a given database from the US Census Bureau. I decided to map the percentage of elderly people per county.
I first had to choose a projection for the data and decided on North American Equidistant Conic, as it is one of the more popular projections when mapping the contiguous United States. I then symobilized the county feature class using graduated colors based on population of persons older than 65 years old, which i normalized with population. I used the natural breaks method provided in ArcMap to split up the classes. At that point I just had to make sure that it was symbolized as a percentage.
There is a noticiable higher percentage of elderly people in the central part (east-west wise) of the United States. A surprising result to me was that there isn't a higher percentage in the southern regions of the US, though Florida does have a noticeably higher percentage than the areas around it.
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